SiPhox Health

369. SiPhox Health, Head of Clinical Product, Phil Yin MD, PhD. On Revolutionizing Health, Redefining Wellness and The Heart Health Blueprint

Today, I’m syncing up with Phil Yin, MD, PhD., Head of Clinical Product at Siphox Health. Phil Yin is an internal medicine physician-scientist, a drug development expert and seasoned endurance sports athlete! He has completed over 20 marathons, including Boston and NYC Marathons, conquered many triathlons and competitive cycling events and knows the power of…

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MondayMoves: Affordable At-Home Blood Testing, How I Use Ketones, New YouTube Shoe Reviews, & IRONMAN Race Announcing Debut

Rebooting MondayMoves with lots of fun topics: The latest in affordable at-home blood testing with SiPhox Health and our convo with Co-Founder and CPO, Michael Dubrovsky, Episode 363 How I use Ketones from athletic performance to everyday health My journey into race announcing from local EventPower LI events to IRONMAN 70.3 Happy Valley Goal settting…

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363. SiPhox Health Co-Founder & CPO, Michael Dubrovsky: Next Gen, Affordable, Blood Biomarker At-Home Testing & Health Optimization

Today, I am syncing up with Michael Dubrovsky, C0-Founder and Chief Product Officer of SiPhox Health, a cutting-edge startup revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare and longevity through affordable next-gen, at-home blood testing technologies. Backed by prestigious names like Y Combinator, Khosla Ventures, and Intel Capital, SiPhox Health, Michael and his team are focused on…

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