Mats Skott is the co-founder and race director of the one of the worlds most challenging endurance adventure races, ÖTILLÖ. He is an adventure sport aficionado and pioneer. ÖTILLÖ is a race that brings the sport of open water swimming, trail running, and rock climbing together, in a totally unique way. He and his team have put the sport and movement of Swimrun on the global map! Marni syncs up with Mats about everything Swimrun from the beautiful, exhilarating courses to the cool gear, and the mindset of racers, and of course, where it all began.
Discover ÖTILLÖ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/otillorace/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/otillorace/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/OTILLOrace
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