On today’s episode I sync up with psychiatrist, Dr. Samantha Boardman to talk about her unique and positive approach to psychiatry that emphasizes incorporating physical activity, nutrition, and wellness into your life for mental health. We talk about her philosophy around everyday resilience, the inspiration behind her website Positive Prescription, where it all began, why chilling out can stress you out, the value of getting out of your comfort zone and the exercise that fuels her for success!
Positive Prescription, her website, is about making life just a little bit better. The focus is on building what’s strong, not just fixing what’s wrong. It is all science backed, research driven, actionable, productive and relatable life enhancing resilience building insight and advice.
Samantha Boardman, M.D., is a clinical instructor in psychiatry and attending psychiatrist at Weill Cornell Medical College. She received her B.A. from Harvard University, her M.D. from Cornell University Medical College, and has an M.A. in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.
Get ready to feel inspired and empowered by todays conversation!
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On Social
Follow us on social: @Marnionthemove for Facebook and Instagram, DM or email us [email protected] with any questions you may have for me or my guests. And of course, follow Dr. Samantha Boardman on Instagram , Facebook or Twitter. Head over to her website and sign up for her newsletter, The Weekly Dose!
This Weeks Deals
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Mother Dirt is a line of personal and skin care prodcts that help restore the microbiome and bacteria in your skin. If you want to learn more, check out last weeks epiode with Mother Dirt President, Jasmina Aganovic. Mother Dirt would like to offer Marni on the Move listeners 20% off and free shipping for first time customers. Use this code FREESHIP20 upon checkout.
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